
About the Fund

The Chamber established the J.C.C. Fund in 1985 in order to create aunified philanthropic vehicle for the Japanese business community to contribute to and strengthen ties with the New York metropolitan area. A nonprofit 501(c)3 philanthropic organization, the J.C.C. Fund serves as the philanthropic arm of the Chamber. Proceeds from JCCI's Annual Dinner Gala generate funding for the J.C.C. Fund.

The J.C.C. Fund is committed to providing grants to support organizations with creative and effective solutions to contemporary issues in the areas of Community Enhancement, Education and Research, and U.S.-Japan Relations. Grant proposals are evaluated ona quarterly basis by the J.C.C. Fund Board of Trustees. Since its inception in 1985, the Fund has made contributions of over $16 Million.

In accordance with its goal of improving education, the Fund has supported such organizations as The International Center in New York, Columbia University's C.V. Starr East Asian Library and The Juilliard School. The Fund also serves as an underwriter of the Chamber's U.S. Educators Program. The J.C.C. Fund supports organizations that strengthen their surrounding communities such as JASSI, as well as organizations expanding cultural horizons such as Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. The Fund also puts forth efforts to further develop U.S.-Japan relations through cultural endeavors including "Japan Day @Central Park", Brooklyn Botanic Garden's Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival) and New York BotanicalGarden's "Fall Flowers of Japan" exhibit.

When an unfortunate disaster strikes the U.S. or Japan, the J.C.C. Fund has created a special fund. This funding has gone to help victims and survivors of both natural and unnatural disasters, such as the 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan, September 11th, Hurricane Katrina, the 2007 California wildfires, the earthquake in Haiti, the 2011 Southeastern U.S. tornado outbreak, the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in the Tohoku region of Japan, Hurricane Sandy relief, and most recently, the 2019 Typhoon Hagibis Relief Fund. With its continuous commitment to giving back to the New York metropolitan area, the J.C.C. Fund is a manifestation of how the Japanese community has embraced the unique spirit of American philanthropy, and is a representation of their appreciation of U.S. culture and society.

President, J.C.C. Fund Board of Trustees

Tomonori Wada | 和田 知徳
President & CEO
Sumitomo Corporation of Americas


J.C.C.ファンドは、団結した慈善活動手段の創出による、日本ビジネス界とニューヨーク大都市圏との関係強化及び社会貢献を目的として、1985年に設立されました。内国歳入法第501条C項3号に基づく(通称「501(c)3」)非営利団体として、当商工会議所の慈善活動の一翼を担っており、当商工会議所主催Annual Dinner Galaの収益金は、その主な資金源となっています。当ファンドは、地域コミュニティの強化や教育・学術研究、日米関係などの分野で、現代社会における問題を、創造的かつ効果的な策によって解決する団体を支援するために、助成金を提供することを約束しています。助成金の提案に対しては、J.C.C.ファンド評議員会によって四半期ごとに査定が行われます。1985年の設立以来、総額1,600万ドル以上の寄付が提供されています。

教育力の向上という目標に基づき、これまでニューヨークの国際センター、コロンビア大学のC.V. Starr East Asian図書館、ジュリアード音楽院などの組織を支援してきました。また、同ファンドは当商工会議所「米国教育者プログラム」の引受人も務めており、JASSI(日米ソーシャルサービス)のような地域コミュニティを強化する組織や、カーネギーホール及びリンカーンセンターなど文化的視野を広げる組織の支援も行っています。併せて、セントラルパークで開催される「Japan Day」、ブルックリン植物園「桜祭り」、ニューヨーク植物園「日本の秋の花展」等の文化活動を通じて、日米交流のさらなる発展を目指しています。



President, J.C.C. Fund Board of Trustees

Tomonori Wada | 和田 知徳
President & CEO
Sumitomo Corporation of Americas



JCC Fund President Tomonori Wada (right) presents a check to the Japanese-American National Museum in Los Angeles (JANM) at the 2023 Music & Dinner Cruise

Application Guidelines

The J.C.C. Fund will accept proposals from applicant organizations and programs that fall within one of the following three categories:

  • U.S.-Japan Relations
  • Education and Research
  • Community Enhancement

Applicants must submit a two-page proposal in English that includes the following:

  • Brief history of the applicant organization, its mission and activities
  • Statement of need for the project and a description of whom it will serve
  • Summary of the specific goals and outcome of the project
  • Amount of grant requested and an overall project budget
  • An annual report or brochure may also be attached
  • Nonprofit organizations must provide proof of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3)

The Board of Trustees of the J.C.C. Fund meets quarterly to review funding decisions. Proposals may be submitted at any time. Those received after a deadline will be held for the following meeting. Applicants will be notified by mail within 3-4 months upon receipt of materials.

Funding priority will be given to nonprofit organizations based in the greater New York metropolitan area. Due to finite resources, the Fund is unable to meet the large number of funding requests that we receive. This is not a reflection on the worthiness of an organization or program involved.

We are unable to consider proposals related to:

  • Individual Scholarships
  • Activities which are involved in attempts to influence legislation and/or any political campaign
  • Routine institutional expenses, deficit reduction, endowment, campaigns, advertising, and challenge grants

Grant Requests should be emailed to:


or mailed to:

J.C.C. Fund of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York, Inc.
145 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019


  • 日米関係
  • 教育と学術研究
  • 地域コミュニティの強化
  • 申請組織の簡単な沿革、使命、活動内容
  • プロジェクトの必要性の表明と、それが誰に役立つかの説明
  • プロジェクトの具体的な目標と成果の概要
  • 助成金の請求額と事業全体の予算
  • 年次報告書やパンフレットを添付することも可能
  • 非営利団体は、セクション501(c)(3)に基づく免税を証明する書類の提出が必要

J.C.C.ファンド評議員会は、四半期ごとに会合を開き、資金提供の決定を検討します。提案書は随時受け付けていますが、各会合における提案書受付の締切後 に提出されたものは、次の会合で審議されることとなります。申請者には、資料の受領後、3~4ヶ月以内に郵送で通知が届きます。
資金提供への優先権は、まずニューヨーク大都市圏に拠点を置く非営利団体に与えられます。財源が限られているため、当ファンドは受領した多数の資金提供 要請の全てに応えることはできませんが、これは提案に関係する組織やプログラムの価値を反映するものではありません。

  • 個人奨学金
  • 立法や政治運動に影響を与える試みに関与する活動
  • 日常的な機関経費、赤字削減、寄付金、キャンペーン、広告宣伝、チャレンジ・グラント



or mailed to:

J.C.C. Fund of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York, Inc.
145 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019
